Publications on software testing, agility and teamwork
- Interview for InfoQ on my talk at Agile Testing Days on a “Journey to Sustainability”
- Interview for ObjektSpectrum 04/21
- Unit Testing und testgetriebene Entwicklung für Tester – ein Erfahrungsbericht
- Interview for CukenFest London
- Live blogging for testbash Germany
- Interview with Searchability about Testing
- Interview with OTIA about violin playing
- Blog entry for the ASQF about Quality Engineering in IoT (German)
- ‘All roads lead to exploratory testing‘, in Women Testers Magazine, March 2018
- Blog on the women in testing session I organised at Eurostar
- Newsletter on new features in Jubula for Eclipse Oxygen
- Column on JAXenter on UI Testing (German)
- Blog article as an introduction for the Romanian Testing Conference
- Eclipse Newsletter December 2016, “The ghosts of tests yet to come“
- Eurostar blog December 2016, “Java for Testers, Automation and Whole Team Quality“
- SQ Magazin December 2016, “Qualität aus der Perspektive eines Product Owners”
- SQ Magazin December 2016, “ASQF Testing Day Niedersachsen”
- Eclipse Magazin 3.16, “Project Quality Day Report”
- Eclipse Magazin 2.16 “Jekyll and Hyde with Jubula”
- Women Testers, Edition 6, “Some words about words“
- Eclipse Newsletter, “Writing Jubula tests in Java“
- JAXenter, “Schlaglichter auf Eclipse Mars: Demos, Schnittchen, Diskussionen“. Report from the Eclipse Demo Camp in June 2015. Later published in Eclipse Magazin.
- Testing Experience EN, “Automated Acceptance Tests for Mobile Applications: Thoughts on Test Strategy”. With Markus Tiede
- Eclipse Magazin, “Round up of the project quality day”
- Eclipse Magazin, “Automatisierte Tests im mobilen Umfeld – der Umstieg aus der Desktopwelt”. With Markus Tiede
- Testing Experience DE, “Automatische Akzeptanztests für mobile Anwendungen: Überlegungen zur Teststrategie”. With Markus Tiede
2011 (partially as “Alex Imrie”)
- Testing Experience EN, “Accepting and embracing change in automated acceptance tests with Jubula”
- SQ Magazin, “Jubula: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft”
- Eclipse Magazin, “Jubeln mit Jubula: Jubula Tutorial”
- Java Tech Magazine, “Introducing Jubula”
2010 (as “Alex Imrie”)
- Eclipse Magazin, “Usability in Eclipse Anwendungen (Teil 2)“. With Achim Lörke
- Testing Experience EN, “Event Handling in Automated Acceptance Tests”. With Markus Tiede
- Agile Record, “The double-edged sword of feature-driven development”
2009 (as “Alex Imrie”)
- Eclipse Magazin, “Automatisiertes Testen von RCP Anwendungen”
- Eclipse Magazin, “Usability in Eclipse Anwendungen (Teil 1)”, With Achim Lörke
Publications on linguistics
- Rosalind A. M. Temple; Alexandra Schladebeck: Systems, Prosodies, and the Phonology of French: New Insights from a Case Study of the Clitic Pronouns. In French Studies 2016 70 (3): 383-403 Abstract, PDF
- Schladebeck, A 2015: Rhythm as a Resource to Generate Phonetic and Phonological Coherence in Lists. In Vogel, R and van de Vijver (eds.) Rhythm in Cognition and Grammar. A Germanic Perspective. Berlin. De Grutyer 277-310
- As Imrie: Imrie, A 2008: Rhythm as a Resource to Generate Phonetic and Phonological Coherence in Lists. In York Papers in Linguistics YPL 2 Issue 9, editors Alexandra Galani, Daniel Redinger and Norman Yeo 23-47 PDF
- As Imrie: Imrie, A 2007: Turn-final plosives and turn-taking in Liverpool English: an alternative to lenition. University of York: Unpublished MA Dissertation. Download: Imrie_MADissertation