
Presentations on software testing, agility and teamwork

You’ll most often find me sharing experience that I’ve had in our projects, or that I’ve gained working with customers. I like to talk about agile processes, testing, test automation, design for test automation, usability and communication. I focus on how we’ve dealt with conditions that aren’t always ideal and I like to present pragmatic approaches.


  • Agile Testing Days, “Help, I jedi-d too hard and became a leader!” with Huib Schoots [Leadership, Quality, Agile]
  • HUSTEF, “Leadership Observability” [Keynote, Leadership]
  • OOP, “Predicting the Future of Quality, Testing and Teams” [Quality]


  • Agile Testing Days Germany, Open Space Moderation
  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “A Fighting Chance – Learning the Art of Conflict Resolution” with Sophie Küster [Keynote, Communication]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “Minimalistic development: testing hypotheses by shipping and observing” with Tim Winselmann [Agile, Minimalism, Development]
  • Java Forum Nord “Maximales Lernen durch minimale Programmierung: Erfolge, Fehler und Lessons Learned” with Tim Winselmann [Agile, Minimalism, Development]
  • GreaTEST Quality Convention, “What’s going to happen? (Potentially wrong) predictions about the future of quality, testing and teams” [Quality]
  • Agile Testing Days Open Air “Unit Testing and TDD from the tester perspective” [Testing, Unit Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days Open Air “Experience Test Driven Development for Testers!” with Oliver Bangert [Workshop, Testing, Unit Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days Open Air, Lean Coffee Moderation, with Janet Gregory
  • OOP, “Exploratory Testing for Everyone” [Workshop, Testing, Exploratory Testing]
  • Customer workshop, “Appreciation and Feedback” [Keynote, Leadership, Agile, Communication]


  • SeaStar Conference, “Looking into the future: The shape of testing, teams and the world” [Quality]
  • Agile Testing Days, “Quality from the CEO Perspective” with Michael Mlynarski [Quality, Leadership]
  • Agile Testing Days, “A Journey to Sustainability” [Sustainability]
  • Agile Testing Days, Open Space Moderator
  • HUSTEF, “Exploratory Testing for Everyone” [Workshop, Exploratory Testing]
  • HUSTEF, “Comb shaping for developers, testers and everyone” [Keynote, Quality, Teamwork]
  • Eurostar, “Drawing Lines Around the Fog: The Shape of Testers, Teams, and the World” [Keynote, Quality]
  • Agile Testing Days USA, “Software investigation and exploration” with Huib Schoots [Workshop, Exploratory Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days Open Air, “Question Askers” [Keynote, Communication, Personal Development, Leadership]
  • Agile Testing Days Open Air, “Supercharge your exploratory testing” with Huib Schoots [Workshop, Exploratory Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days Open Air, Lean Coffee Moderator


  • BCS Edinburgh, “Quality Archaeology, Quality Archaeology: Learning From The Past To Understand The Present and The Future” [Testing, Quality]
  • Agile Testing Days, “Unit Testing and TDD from the tester perspective: how to learn, practice and even contribute” [Testing, Unit Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days, Open Space Moderator
  • Test Istanbul, “Quality Archaeology, Quality Archaeology: Learning From The Past To Understand The Present and The Future” [Keynote, Testing, Quality]
  • TACON, Event Moderation
  • Customer impulse talk “Agile Mindset” [Keynote, Agile]
  • Java Forum Nord, “Quality Archaeology, Quality Archaeology: Learning From The Past To Understand The Present and The Future” [Keynote, Testing, Quality]
  • Ministry of Testing Meetup, “Becoming an Agile People Manager” [Leadership, Agile, Management, Communication]
  • Agile Leader Day, “Mentale Gesundheit für agile Teams und Organisationen” [Agile, Teamwork, Value, Health, Management]
  • Zukunft und Führung Meetup “Agile Führung: Fürsorge, Fordern und Fördern für sich selbst und andere”, [Agile, Management, Leadership, Communication]
  • ASQF Meetup, “The role of testers in AI projects” [Testing, AI]
  • Ministry of Testing Meetup, “Unit Testing and TDD from the tester perspective: how to learn, practice and even contribute” [Testing, Unit Testing]
  • German Testing Days “Geht’s auch kleiner? Mikroheuristiken im explorativen Testen” [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics] (Best Talk Award at the Conference)
  • Ministry of Testing Exploratory Testing Week, Ask Me Anything on Exploratory Testing
  • ASQF Net week, “Agiles Testmanagement: Gibt es das überhaupt und wenn ja, wie?” [Testing, Agile]
  • The future of women in agile panel discussion. Video here.
  • BSI Grundschutztag, “Alles ist verbunden, alles ist kaputt: Wege aus dem Qualitätsdefizit bei vernetzten Systemen unter Berücksichtigung des IT-Grundschutzes” [Testing, IoT, IT-Security, Information Security] Video here (from 1h15m)
  • Breakpoint, “Whole team holistic quality: for product, processes and people” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • OOP, “Wird schon schiefgehen: Qualitätssicherung und die Rolle von Testern im IoT” [Testing, IoT]
  • OOP, “Enabling Whole Team Quality as a Tester in an Agile Team” [Communication, Teamwork, Workshop]
  • OOP, “Becoming an Agile People Manager” [Leadership, Agile, Management, Communication]


  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “Agile Leadership” with Ashley Hunsberger [Agile, Leadership, Management, Communication]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “Badgile: the gameshow” Keynote with Huib Schoots and Bart Knaack[Agile, Testing, Keynote]
  • IoT Meetup Hessen, “There may be trouble ahead: the future of quality in a networked world” [Testing, IoT]
  • German Testing Days “Unit Testing und TDD für Tester” Workshop with Zeb Ford-Reitz [Testing, Workshop]
  • German Testing Days “Geht’s auch kleiner? Mikroheuristiken im Explorativen Testen” [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics]
  • Testbash Netherlands “Experiencing the Highs and Lows of Unit Testing and Test Driven Development (for Testers and Developers)” Workshop with Zeb Ford-Reitz [Testing, Workshop]
  • Testbash Netherlands “Learning through Exploration” Talk with Zeb Ford-Reitz [Testing, Exploratory Testing]
  • Breakpoint, “Whole Team Quality: Product, Process, People” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • Forum Digitale Transformation, “There may be trouble ahead: Die Zukunft von Qualitätssicherung in der vernetzten Welt” [Testing, IoT]
  • Agile Center of Excellence, “Agile Führung: Wie geht das für Manager und Mitarbeiter?” [Leadership, Agile, Management, Communication]
  • Online Testing Conference, “Nurturing a Healthy Culture” Panelist with Lena Wiberg, Lisa Crispin and Gitte Klitgaard [Leadership]
  • Java User Group Hamburg “Wird schon schiefgehen: Qualitätssicherung und die Rolle von Testern in IoT” [Testing, IoT]
  • Building IoT “Wird schon schiefgehen: Qualitätssicherung und die Rolle von Testern in IoT” Keynote [Testing, IoT, Keynote]


  • Agile Center of Excellence “Ab vom Hamsterrad: Stress und mentale Last in agilen Teams und Organisationen” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Value, Health]
  • Java User Group Ostfalen “Whole Team Quality: Gemeinsam gewinnen oder gemeinsam scheitern?” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany “Becoming an agile people manager” [Agile, Management, Leadership, Communication]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany “Agile Mindset Workshop” Workshop with Thomas Garus [Agile, Workshop]
  • Eurostar webinar series “Jedi Mind Tricks for Testers” with Huib Schoots [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • ASQF Net Week “Vom Herumklicken zum Expertentester: die Macht des Explorativen Testens” Webinar [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics]
  • Java Forum Nord “Whole Team Quality: Gemeinsam gewinnen oder gemeinsam scheitern?” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • Dual Career Network, Niedersachsen “Agile Organisations and Open Space” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • Ministry of Testing Masterclass “Exploratory Testing: What are Microheuristics and how can you find and use them?
    Webinar [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics]
  • Agile Testing Days USA “Bad-gile: the gameshow” Keynote with Huib Schoots and Bart Knaack [Agile, Testing, Keynote]
  • Agile Testing Days USA “Software investigation & exploration – Supercharging your value” Workshop with Huib Schoots [Exploratory Testing, Workshop]
  • Romanian Testing Conference “The power of exploration” [Exploratory Testing, Keynote]
  • Romanian Testing Conference “Exploratory Testing Tutorial: From basics to heuristics” [Exploratory Testing, Workshop]
  • Romanian Testing Conference “Learn to become a public speaker” Workshop with Ard Kramer, Jim Holmes, Dan Ashby and Petra Bouskova [Workshop, Public Speaking]
  • Nordic Testing Days “Explicit exploring using testopsies and microheuristics[Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics, Workshop]
  • Nordic Testing Days “Why should exploratory testing even be the subject of a keynote?” Keynote [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics, Keynote]
  • Cucumber Podcast May 2019
  • Empathetic Management, Podcast with CTO Coffee March 2019
  • CraftConf “Heuristics and hunches in Exploratory Testing” [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics, Live Exploratory Testing]
  • NewCrafts, Paris “Exploratory Testing for Everyone” with Thomas Garus [Exploratory Testing]
  • ASQF Quality Day NRW  “Wie sehen die Tester der Zukunft aus?” [Testing, IoT, Keynote]
  • CukenFest “Whole Team Quality: In the same boat or up the creek?” Keynote [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Keynote]
  • European Testing Conference “Heuristics and hunches in Exploratory Testing” [Exploratory Testing, Microheuristics, Live Exploratory Testing]
  • Test Talks Podcast “How to listen to your tests” [Testing, Podcast]
  • OOP “Exploratory Testing for Everyone” Workshop [Exploratory Testing, Workshop]


  • ASQF Quality Night Hamburg “Wie sehen die Tester der Zukunft aus?” [Testing, IoT, Keynote]
  • Testing Portugal “Whole Team Quality: In the same boat or up the creek?” Keynote [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Keynote]
  • Testing Portugal “Leadership for testers in agile teams” Workshop [Communication, Teamwork]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany “Get off the hamster wheel and start adding value!”. Keynote with Huib Schoots [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Value, Keynote]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany “Exploratory Testing Challenge” [Agile, Testing, Live Exploratory Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “Time to Lead – Communication and Enablement for Testers in an Agile Team”. Workshop with Zeb Ford-Reitz [Communication, Teamwork]
  • Eclipse Con Europe, “What do the testers of the future look like?” [Testing, IoT]
  • Testbash Manchester “Jedi Mind Tricks for Testers” with Huib Schoots [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • ASQF Testing Day Niedersachsen “Wie sehen die Tester der Zukunft aus?” [Testing, IoT]
  • Agile Testing Days USA “Get off the hamster wheel and start adding value!”. Keynote with Huib Schoots [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Value, Keynote] 
  • Agile Testing Days USA, “Storytelling for agile (testing) professionals.”. Workshop with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Workshop] 
  • German Testing Days “Dear future me…” [Testing, Passion, Growth, Career, Community, Keynote]
  • Expo QA “Let’s stop talking about Testing, let’s start thinking about value” Keynote with Huib Schoots [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Value, Keynote] 
  • Guest on Quality Heros Podcast (German) “Wie kann „Quality From The Beginning“ in agilen Projekten erreicht werden?” May 18th 2018
  • Testnet Netherlands, “Testopsy – dissecting your testing” Workshop with Huib Schoots [Testing, Agile Testing, Live Exploratory Testing]
  • Testnet Netherlands, “Let’s stop talking about Testing, let’s start thinking about value” Keynote with Huib Schoots [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Value, Keynote] 
  • Romanian Testing Conference “Dear future me…” [Testing, Passion, Growth, Career, Community]
  • Testbash Netherlands, “Time to Lead – Communication and Enablement for Testers in an Agile Team”. Workshop with Zeb Ford-Reitz [Communication, Teamwork]
  • Landing Festival, “What agile teams can learn from World of Warcraft” [Agile, Teamwork].
  • European Testing Conference, “Exploratory Testing in Action” [Testing, Live Exploratory Testing]
  • OOP, “How to stop hating your UI tests”  [Automated Testing]


  • Agile Testing Days, “Testopsy – dissecting your testing” With Huib Schoots [Testing, Agile Testing]
  • Eclipse Con Europe, “UI test automation using the Jubula API: the why, the how and the what”  (Tutorial) With Markus Tiede [Automated Testing, Tool Presentation]
  • Eclipse Con Europe, “How to stop hating your UI tests” [Automated Testing]
  • Agile and Automation Days Poland, “Whole Team Quality: In the same boat or up the creek?” Keynote. [Agile, Testing, Teamwork, Keynote] 
  • Testbash Munich “Dear future me… a letter to myself about testing, the universe and everything” [Testing, Passion, Growth, Career, Community]
  • As a part of agile consulting at a Scottish University, “What teams can learn from World of Warcraft” [Agile, Teamwork, Testing].
  • Guest on Testers’ Island Discs, Episode 1, September 2017. Podcast Link
  • Otto QConf, “Quality from the product owner perspective”  [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Product Owner]
  • XP 2017 “How to stop hating your UI tests” [Automated Testing]
  • Romanian Testing Conference “Once Upon a Time…”. Keynote with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Keynote]
  • Romanian Testing Conference “Storytelling for agile (testing) professionals.”. Workshop with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Workshop]
  • XPConf “How to stop hating UI tests” [Automated Testing]
  • AgileTD Mondays “How to stop hating UI tests” [Automated Testing]
  • European Testing Conference, “Will your tests stand the test of time? Patterns for automated UI tests” [Automated Testing]
  • OOP, “Sharing the quality responsibility in agile teams”. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication]
  • OOP, “Quality from the PO perspective – from 6 weeks to one-day release phases” [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Product Owner]


  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “Once Upon a Time…”. Keynote with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Keynote]
  • Agile Testing Days Germany, “Storytelling for agile (testing) professionals.”. Workshop with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Workshop]
  • Eurostar, “Growing a Company Test Community: Roles and Paths for Testers”.  [Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Training]
    • Webinar from 23.11.2016 on the same topic
  • Eclipse Con Europe, “Automated UI Testing with Jubula”. [Automated Testing, Tool Presentation]
  • Storytelling for agile (testing) professionals. Workshop with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Workshop]
  • ASQF Testing Day Niedersachsen, “Qualität aus der Perspektive eines Product Owners“. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Product Owner]
  • Agile Testing Days Sweden, “Once Upon a Time…”. Keynote with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Keynote]
  • Iqnite Germany, “Werden Sie Testheld mit Explorativem Testen und Session Based Test Management!“. Workshop. [Testing]
  • Agile Alliance Technical Conference, “From Potentials to Slayers – Empowering Teams to Better Quality” [Agile, Testing, Teamwork]
  • Agile Testing Days Netherlands, “Mythbusters”. Keynote with Huib Schoots. [Agile Testing, Teamwork, Communication, Keynote]





2011 (partially as “Alex Imrie”)

  • Software Quality Days, “A quest for quality” [Agile, Testing]
  • ASQF meetup in Braunschweig, “Automatisierte Funktionstests” [Automated Testing, Testing]
  • Eclipse Con North America, “Jubula Tutorial” [Automated Testing, Tool Presentation]
  • JAX, “Jubula”. [Automated Testing, Tool Presentation]
  • Software Engineering Essentials, “Offenheit im Entwicklungsprozess: Gnadenloser Transparenz”. [Agile, Testing]
  • Stuttgarter Test Tage, “Jubula Vorstellung”. [Automated Testing, Tool Presentation]
  • Agile Testing Days, “Introduction to Jubula”. [Automated Testing, Tool Presentation]
  • Eurostar, “Preventing Defects from Escaping the Development Phase with Automated Functional Testing”. [Agile, Testing, Automated Testing]

2010  (as “Alex Imrie”)

  • Agile Acceptance Testing Days, “Agile Acceptance Testing: A Case Study”. [Agile, Testing]
  • Iqnite Germany, “Test Automation with Keywords: A Case Study” [Automated Testing]
  • Testing and Finance, “Knowledge is power: do you know where your quality is tonight?”. With Achim Brede. [Automated Testing, Agile, Testing]
  • Eclipse Testing Day, “Automated acceptance testing in Eclipse applications”. [Automated Testing]
  • Starwest, “Error handling in automated acceptance tests”. [Automated Testing]
  • Agile Testing Days, “Error Driven Development”. [Agile, Testing]

2009 (as “Alex Imrie”)

  • Eclipse Con North America, “Usability in Eclipse Applications”. With Achim Lörke. [Usability]
  • JAX, “Usability in Eclipse Applications”. With Achim Lörke. [Usability]
  • Eclipse Summit Europe, “A checklist for automated testing”. [Automated Testing]